Today I should be 7 weeks pregnant. I am exhausted. Hungry all the time. And nauseous at night. It makes trying to rest pretty difficult, and probably only adds to my exhaustion during the day, but I am not complaining.
Speaking of complaining- is someone who wants a baby so bad, who has lost the last 3, and is finally carrying a baby actually allowed to say, "I am miserable?" This has been running through my mind quite a bit this week. I wouldn't go that far as to say I am miserable, but there have been 2 nights that were pretty close. I am very thankful I am able to feel this way, but I feel like I shouldn't say the "M" word- as if it means I don't want this. I'm probably over thinking.
My pregnancy in November and December that ended in a blighted ovum, I had feelings the entire time that something was wrong. I had mentioned this in my first post, but I told my husband every day I thought something was going to happen. This pregnancy, I don't have those feelings. I am very cautious and sort of dreading our first appointment, but I don't have those inner thoughts that something is wrong. Hopefully my intuition is as good as I think it is. We should know if we made it through the first steps in 16 days- which, not by coincidence, is a full moon.
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