Sunday I turned 10 weeks pregnant. Everything is going well- nausea and really uncomfortable in the late afternoon/evening, exhaustion, etc. All normal, healthy signs of pregnancy. Saturday I tried to use my Doppler again, and I did find the heartbeat! At first it was too faint to pick up the rate, but I guessed it was 150s-160s. Later Saturday morning I found it again, and it picked up the rate, and was 166/165 bpm. Our daughter was consistently 160s when we listened to her.
With our first, we did not find out the sex. It was so fun to be surprised, and we did a bunch of the old wives tales to guess what we were having (14/19 said girl, so I think they were pretty accurate). This time, Jesse is really wanting to find out, so I may let him have this one. He thinks it is a girl just from the heartrate, but that is the only reason he thinks girl. Our daughter has named the baby "Bobby," for some reason. I don't know where she heard the name and why she latched on to it. But when I asked who Bobby was, yesterday she replied, "the baby in the baby mommy. The baby sister." So I guess she thinks it's a girl too.
Finding the heartbeat is very relieving and comforting. And now I know it should be there, so when I check and don't find it immediately I know I get a little worked up, but that's expected. I am hoping it never comes down to me not finding it. This can be a huge comfort luxury, that I can check whenever I want, but it can also be an anxiety issue too. So here is to trying to relax and enjoy these little steping stones to meeting our baby.
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